It can be tempting to look at just two factors when choosing granite countertops: cost and color. The reality is that another thing you should consider is the grade of granite being used. Be sure you go with a grade that meets your needs and expectations rather than looking only at the cost. Entry-level granite does have its place in the market, as it appeals to those who are looking for a low-cost option. Typically, entry-level granite countertops are thinner and supported by a plywood backing. They also come in fewer colors and patterns.
Generally speaking, a level-two granite is going to cost roughly 20 to 25 percent more per square foot. For this additional investment, you’ll have more design and color choices and the thickness could be double that of entry level products. If you are looking for an even better quality overall, consider going with at least a level-three granite, although there are higher levels too. Higher-quality granite countertops will cost 50 to 100 percent more per square foot, but most families find them to be well worth the investment due to the rarer color options and overall quality, not to mention the benefits of adding more value to the home and more durability.
If you would like to learn more about granite countertops and see the quality for yourself firsthand, reach out to us at Complete Kitchen & Bath. We recommend scheduling a tour of our Lakeland, Florida fabrication shop, where you’ll see the care and attention to detail that we put into fabricating granite countertops and the quality of the granite we use.